Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Seniors Find Independence with a Reverse Mortgage.

Seniors are finding it harder than ever to keep their independence in the current economic climate. The good news if you are a senior 62 and up and own a home in California we can help you.

Many seniors are finding that after years of putting money into their home they now can have their home pay them. The best part is that the money is TAX FREE and will not affect your social security or Medicare.

To view an 18 minute movie about reverse mortgages and find out if a reverse mortgage is right for you please click here:

This is a FHA government insured loan based on your age and the amount of equity in your home. You will remain on the title and you can NEVER loose your home.

You do not need to have income or even good credit. Take advantage of the Hottest New Loan Program for seniors. You can use the money for any reason. Most commonly used reasons are home repairs, medical bills, travel or just living a better lifestyle with peace of mind.

A reverse mortgage is safe and secure and money that is rightfully yours. During these tough economic times, isn’t it great the government as something that will provide your independence and financial freedom? Your children are keeping their own lives together right now and a reverse mortgage will take the stress of them when they know you are safe and secure. You deserve a better life. Be sure you know your options. For more information go to:

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